animal art

Custom Pet Portraits

In Acrylic


Pen and Ink


Art Prints




Gift Items

My digital art is also sold on products such as mugs, pillows, clocks and various other everyday items, for more details check out the gift shop page of my site.

About My Art

I make original hand painted and drawn art and digital art, mostly animals and nature scenes. The majority of my digital art is made in a vector graphics program. Unlike other computer made art, vector graphics can be resized to any size without loss of quality. This makes them ideal for rescaling to fit various products that require the image to be of a certain size and not have to redo the artwork again in order to retain a good quality image.

It is also easy and quick to make modifications to a vector image such as changing color or moving elements around within the artwork. So if you see something you like but not in your color preference, just ask, I may be able to customize it for you.

Featured Prints and Products

Whether your interest is wildlife, gift products or pet portraits, all come with a 30 day money back guarantee so you can buy with confidence.